Family Resources


Knowing How to Find Help

Family resources may address the general population or target particular groups, such as ethnic and cultural minorities; adolescent parents; kinship caregivers; or families facing health, mental health, or other issues. They can be comprehensive or focus on a specific goal. The resources in this section address broad family support approaches and services for certain groups. The session below lists a range of supportive services for families.



Dinner Table Talks

Each week, we’ll select topics to cover as well as questions that allow you to participate in your child’s education through meaningful conversation at home.


The theme for this week’s Cathleen Stone Island Outward Bound Crew Class is Leadership!

During their time with our TIOBEC instructors, students will start with their weekly crew routines and check-in before playing a quick energizer game, followed by a group challenge requiring participation and teamwork to complete. They then will take part in a discussion and lesson on leadership styles and qualities, reflecting on different qualities and leaders that they admire, as well as determining their own default leadership style (and what that means)! We hope that they’ll walk away from class this week with a greater awareness of the concept of leadership, and of their own innate leadership abilities.

  • If you could have dinner with anyone who has ever lived, who would it be? Why?
  • Name a role model in your life. What qualities do they have that inspire you?
  • How have they influenced the person you are?
  • How does the dominant leadership style affect how we live together as a family?
  • How can we improve how we communicate as a family?  

Explore previous week's topics here.

There is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.
-Amanda Gorman - Poet and activist